Falcon Crest Wheels

Hot Wheels Collectors

Contact Host

!*!*! Pacific Northwest !*!*!
Hot Wheelers Club

The club discussion boards have been reset for the collection of this years club dues. The cost for this year has changed to 20.00 so if you have not paid the dues for this year please login and make your payment. The club cars should be available at the next meeting.

The club meeting for this month is at Round Table Pizza in Auburn as noted on the home page. Come out and have some fun trading, and buying Hot Wheels and other diecast items that may show up.

As shown on our facebook page the logo for this years car has been updated but still follows the theme as shown on this page.

Clicking on the following link will take you to the discussion boards. Additionally, you can use the Message Board button at the top of this page to navigate to the discussion board.

discussion Forum

Next scheduled club meeting

Our July meeting is the 15, 11:00 pm at Sidekick Toys. Come out and have some fun with fellow collectors and friends, your sure to have a fun time

!*!*! Club Meeting Schedule !*!*!
Current thru
Updates Coming Soon

Round Table Pizza
4002 "A" Street S.E
Auburn, WA
253) 735-4000

Monthly Meeting Highlight Topics:

I encourage anyone who has an interest in joining our effort in creating a club where families can enjoy our hobby of collecting Hot Wheels to come out and have some fun and help in developing an enjoyable club presence here in the Pacific Northwest. There will be many different activities to enjoy as we develop this club, and everyone's input will be greatly appreciated.

Featured stories and articles.

Hot Wheels National

LA Convention

K-Day 14 #1

K-Day Collectors Event

DownHill Racing

Downhill Racing Coming Soon.

Good Guys 2914

Good Guys 2914

Meeting Highlights.